Gary McLagan


Why I Support Grace and Mercy:

I want to first say that I firmly believe in the life changing work that is being ministered to the women that are both graduates and currently in the program; in the only way that can bring success; through JESUS CHRIST. But what tugs on my heart the most is the children that have missed out on the love and care that only a mother can provide. I can’t grasp what that feels like….and then to lose your mother because of addictive, selfish behavior. It makes my heart break.

But HE can restore!   And when I see women healed; brought to a new understanding of their lives and what’s important and worthy; and learning what it means to be a mother…preferring…caring…and loving their children…….struggling to be that mother… it’s worth every dollar invested in their lives. Who knows what great things await them?

Mahla Hoffbeck

Most business owners feel overwhelmed figuring out the best place to focus time and money for their marketing efforts. Website? Instagram? Facebook ads?

I get it. Without a plan, it can feel like you’re throwing darts while blindfolded and hope a few stick to the target.

I help businesses write copy that sells, develop beautiful websites, and carry out a proven marketing plan and sales funnel to increase revenue.

Schedule a Call today.


Danny & Connie Marsh


Laurel Ann McLagan